Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3

I walked into class a couple of minutes early today. I thought this was fairly impressive because I left my dorm a little later than I'd intended and the sidewalks are skating rinks. However, when I walked into class, the teacher had already started talking and it sounded like the things we talk about for class. I was, and I'm sure the others who walked in before the bell were also, confused at her early start time. I suppose the important thing is that she wasn't saying anything crucial so I didn't have to worry about missing it. Come to think of it, that kind of sounds like the entire class.

As I'm sure you know, emotions lead to thoughts which lead to actions which lead to performance. The performance is supposed to refer to job performance, by the way. When I first heard that, I began thinking of how often I hadn't acted on my emotions. After typing that sentence, though, I think of how teenagers have “dirty thoughts” that cause them to commit actions that will surely send them directly to Hell. I'm reminded of Frollo from Disney's adaptation of the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Sometimes they aren't teenagers...
Anyway, soon after that we started talking about the volunteering we had to do for this class. (At one point, the teacher used the word “volunteerism”. I don't think that's a real word, whatever a dictionary will tell you.) The abbreviation this class is using for that is ISP. Don't ask me what that stands for because I don't care enough to remember. I just need to be sure not to confuse that with the ISSP from Cowboy BeBop. The police force of a futuristic society has very little to do with getting 5 volunteer hours for some humanitarian cause, so I think I'll be okay. By the way, the Humane Society is not humanitarian enough for this class. Never mind that adorable animals can be beneficial to people, too.

Pictured: Not Helpful to People. At All

Then she told us about the reflection papers we have to write. In this paper, we have to talk about our “initial perspectives on leadership and service.” I suspect that if I wrote my true feelings, I wouldn't score very well on the paper. However, she warned us that only papers written with heart would get a coveted “9”. That's the highest score, by the way. Why would it be ten? That's silly. You're silly. Her declaration that she can tell when a paper has been written with heart *really* tempts me to write a paper with little to no heart and see what grade I get.

Also, I'm pretty sure I spend more time on this blog than I do on the class itself.

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